The residents of the “Blue Lagoon” have set up a working group to take care of the pond and the green areas around it so that they can shine again in their old glory. The group meets whenever there is work to be done, such as weeding or small repairs to the pond liner or the streams. New helpers are of course always welcome.
In 2018, the site was completely overgrown with trees and bushes (see photo), and the pond area with its streams was barely recognisable.
It was time to do something, so a few hardworking residents from the Blue Lagoon got together to shine some light back here. In September 2019, the first thing to be done was to saw down and remove the trees around the pond. In the weeks that followed, three large containers of green waste were taken away and a view of the pond was available again for the first time.
Gradually more and more helpers joined in and ploughed away for days and weeks. It is great to observe how the community is strengthened, grows together more and more and helps each other! We are very happy about this development, nobody has to be alone here! Today the pond complex “Blue Lagoon” looks like this…
Below you can see the last major work activities of our great residents! Have fun browsing.